A Time For Reflection and Sewing

This has been a time of reflection for all of us, but one thing has been brought to mind. Something I have said for years. Sewers are some of the most generous people in the world. Every day I hear of a group of sewers who are making masks to donate to nursing homes, rehab centers, hospital visitors, relatives and anyone who needs them. My hats off to all of you who are doing what you can to help people be safe.

EmbLibrary In The Hoop Mask – free digital download

Many of the vendors are giving away free mask designs. http://www.emblibrary.com has an In The Hoop design that I have been making. http://www.shabbyfabrics.com has a tutorial on making a mask with a sewing machine. YouTube has several very good sites making masks. http://www.accuquilt.com has a nice easy to follow design to sew on any size sewing machine. Check them all out and make some for family or friends to help keep them safe. Be creative with fancy fabrics and even some trimming, like lace or ribbons. Young children are more apt to wear them if you make them fun. http://www.smartneedle.com designs has some fun animal face masks that kids would like. They have a free pig embroidery mask. Why not make some of these for any children you know in the hospital. Check out your favorite vendors and see what they have.

Accuquilt Free sewing download pattern

You may need to type in a search for “free mask pattern” to get the pattern. With EmbLibrary just go to their free designs page. If you are not already signed up to get emails from these companies, it is worth it to do so. They all send out emails with sales, free patterns, designs, etc.

This is also a good time to start sewing projects you may want to give for Christmas. I find sewing helps to keep me focused on life while I self isolate. At the end of the day, I’m amazed at where the time has gone.

Meantime I hope we all stay safe. Keep your family as close as you can. Life is good and beautiful. This won’t last forever and hopefully we will get back to normal, renewed and grateful for life, loved ones and the chance to share our art with someone special.

 I will be doing more blogs in the future and I genuinely hope you enjoy them Please pass my link on to your sewing friends. I try to make them informative and help you to enjoy what you are creating. If you haven’t already, please sign up to follow my blog as Google likes us bloggers to have followers. You will get an email each time I publish a new blog. Also, please check out my past blogs. They cover things like, stabilizer,  threads, needles, etc. Use it as a reference source. Also, if something new or different has come on the market, I will revise that particular blog, so you are always up to date.

Meantime, Happy Sewing!
